My Christmas List
In random order as I think of things:
Measuring spoons

These ones from Crate and Barrel seem especially nice. Really anything from Crate & Barrel.
A great, big prep bowl (for making Chex Mix, stuffing, caramel popcorn, etc), preferably stainless steel

New oven mitt and potholders (cream, red, orange or green).Not silicone, I'm an old-fashioned kind of girl.

Speakers for my laptop. I want to be able to use my laptop as a stereo so I can listen when I am cleaning.
ITunes gift certificates. I don't actually have an IPOD, but I use I Tunes to listen to music on my laptop.
New knives. Wusthof or Henckels (based on Consumer Reports tests). Mine are from my wedding (a looooooooooooong time ago) and I must admit that we haven't taken really good care of them.
Cookware (I'm not desperate, just greedy) I have one Calphalon pan and I absolutely love it!!
Mini deep fryer. Something pretty small, just big enough for a batch of sweet potato fries or a few chicken strips.
A book on HTML so I can figure out this whole blogging thing. I'd like to be able to tinker with the look of my blog a little bit more. Right now I just cut and paste from other people. That's kind of cheating, don't you think?
A new cell phone. Yeah, this should probably be at the top of the list. I lost mine in Orlando. I think it might have been at Downtown Disney. Oops. This is the same one I dropped in the toilet. Twice.
Apparently, I also need a new printer/scanner. According to the Canon website, Error 5200 is not good. It doesn't tell you what is wrong, only that you must take it in to an authorized repair shop. Closest one? Boca Raton. . . 87 miles away. Yeah, right. I'm thinking that it would be cheaper to get a new one from Santa Claus!
A Tree of Life Necklace.
I like this one from Walmart, but there are lots of really beautiful ones available on the internet

Good Quality Vanilla (I'm too cheap to buy it myself. I always get the imitation vanilla)
Salad spinner (I always buy bagged lettuce, but I could use the spinner for rinsing cilantro, which I am addicted to. . . is there a 12-step program for guacamole addicts?)
It's amazing how you want all of those cooking supplies, I just happen to know a pampered chef consultant, you may want to pass that along for all of those other people out there. By the way I cannot link my website to this, but if you put this all together it is my website and you can order in time for it to get to you by Christmas. w w w . p a m p e r e d c h e f . b i z / k a r r i e h o l t make sure you take the spaces out, and we do offer almost everything that you have on your list. I cannot have a link to my business on anybody's website at any time only at pampered chef. (It sucks, but I understand the rules, so please don't link) Let Mike, and your family know. By the way good idea for those who are a long ways away for ideas. Karrie
I love the necklace and now I want one too. I wonder if I can talk Zeke into that too. I know I'm getting a new ipod so that is fantastic. You need one. I love, love, love mine! Thank you so much for the stamp rollers. I just got them and I am going to put them to good use!
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