Let's see. . .
1. I really like angels. I'm not quite sure why. . . I'm not particularly religious but I really love angels and have collected them for years. I can fill a seven-foot tall Christmas tree with them! But I don't put an angel at the top of the tree - that might make the other angels jealous- we put a star on top of ours.
2. In fourth grade, I was one of the three French hens in the Christmas program at Lakeview Elementary and I was scared to death. I was not born to perform. It still makes me pretty nervous to present at faculty meetings and things like that.
3. In restaurants, I like to sit in booths with my family. It's cozier or something. And I hate sitting with my back to the restaurant, facing the wall. I just won't do it. I make my children sit there.
4. Sometimes as I walk up to my front door with my keys in my hand, I press the unluck button on my car key like I think it's going to magically open my front door.
5. I'd really really like to have more children even though I can think of a million reasons why I should stop at two.
6. My first date with my husband ended with a kiss in Riverfront Park in Spokane overlooking the falls on Friday the 13th. So now I consider Friday the 13th a lucky day. We even thought of getting married on a Friday the 13th but there wasn't one that worked for us.
7. I got married on a Sunday. I think that is very unusual. But it was great! It was easy to find a photographer, florist, even a minister for a June wedding on a Sunday (Saturday? fuggedaboutit!)
8. I have lived in four time zones. My oldest daughter had lived in four time zones before she entered 2nd grade, so I feel sympatico with military wives.
9. Men with British accents make me heart melt and my knees quiver. No idea why. . . Well, maybe because of Colin Firth in Pride and Prejudice, but that's just a guess.
10. I really really don't like dogs. In fact I am allergic to them. But I have a dog. That's the true test of how much I really really love my husband.
11. I worry way too much about what other people think about me. I try not to care, but I do. I'm a pleaser at heart and I bend over backwards to keep everybody happy.
12. I really like to sing. And I really can't. But my husband really likes to hear me sing, because I only do it when I'm really happy.
13. I really use the word really too much. I've just realized that. I also say "All right, class" about a hundred times a day, but I like it better than "Attention." It just sounds friendlier.
14. I have had five miscarriages. Sad, huh? But it makes me feel truly blessed to have the two amazing children that God gifted to me.
15. I have felt a calling to motherhood from the time I was a very little girl. Before I got pregnant with Kenzie I felt her spirit trying to escape from me. So even though we weren't planning on having children so soon, we went for it. If you ever meet my oldest you will understand; she has a huge forceful spirit (in a good way!).
16. When I got pregnant with Becca, I really didn't want to be pregnant. I had just lost a baby at 14 weeks and was still grieving and wanted more time, but God must know best. Becca is the best thing that ever happened to me.
17. I could live on bread and butter and Pepsi with steak once a week. Making myself eat heathy food is a daily struggle.
18. I really want to live in the Northwest again. I miss my family and my friends. I still consider it home. I feel like I am on an extended break from my "real life" living here in Florida.
19. I really don't like snakes. I ended up in a Port-a-potty at a campground in Montana with a snake once and that was all she wrote, folks.
20. I wish I was taller.
21. I have perfect eyesight and do not need glasses. I see better than anyone in my family by far.
22. I am an amazing speller. And seeing spelling mistakes, especially from teachers or my administrators (!) drives me insane. When I was 8, I went up to the manager of Excel (Dale Lowry, I think) to tell him that the sign over the Pepsi was spelled wrong. So I don't think the spell check gene in me is going away anytime soon.
23. When I was five, I got caught shoplifting crayons from K-Mart by my mom. yeah. . . bad. . . spanking, grounding, you name it. And she made me take them back to the store and apologize to the manager! Thanks mom! That mortification was a lesson learned well.
24. I breastfed McKenzie for 15 months and I loved it. Becca for 8. I really don't understand why some people have such a thing against breastfeeding in public. Why the big deal? That's what they're there for, right?? But women who breastfeed past 2 or 3 kind of creep me out. I try not to judge, but I think it's a little weird to breastfeed your kindergartner.
25. I can't wear flip-flops. The whole thing between my toes thing just doesn't work for me.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
25 Random Things About Me
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10:49 PM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Oxbow Eco-Center Hike
After a while we came to this bridge where we took I took a photo op. Hiking for me is really all about taking pictures, don't you know?
See? Here's a tree attacking another tree, or hugging it I guess. Depends on your perspective and your state of mind. The things a tree will do to get more light and water. Really selfish if you think about it. Which I don't, usually.
And here is one last shot of our beautiful, 72 degree weather in January, hike. (I just put that last part in so all my northwest friends would be jealous and come down and visit me).
Posted by
7:49 AM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
1. What is your name? Kendra
2. A 4 Letter Word : kiss
3. A Boys Name : Kevin
4. A Girls name : Krystal
5. An Occupation: Kindergarten teacher
6. A Color: Khaki
7. Something you wear: Keds
8 A Beverage : Kool-aid
9. A Food: Key Lime Pie
10. Something found in the bathroom : Kleenex
11. A place: Kansas City
12. A Reason for being late: Kids
13 . Something you shout! Kiss my ass!
Posted by
12:02 PM
Thursday, January 22, 2009
If You Can't Change the Problem, Change Your Thinking
Okay, well, I'm on a more even keel today. Had time to process a little bit and realize a few things. The things that were there, but not really making sense the other day. I still have "issues" to work through, but I don't feel quite so overwhelmed!
Two things have helped me and brought me some comfort. The first was the necessary step of counting my blessings, something I probably don't do often enough. I have a wonderful, supportive husband, two fabulous, bright, amazing children and everything else is gravy. It never hurts to take the time to look at everything in your life and remember the blessings. My life will never be perfect, but it's time I started to appreciate all that I have.
The second was the realization that no matter what everything will be okay. God hasn't steered me wrong yet and I'm obviously on the path that I am am for a reason, even if it's not apparent to me. An old friend helped me remember that our lives are most at peace when we accept the will of God. That's a hard lesson for me. . . but one that I am working on.
Posted by
5:04 PM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Is Discombobulated a Real Word?
If it is. . . then that is how I feel. Just really mixed up in my head. I am a very level-headed practical person, usually, so this is quite a change for me. I've just been re-examining my life, as we are all wont to do at the beginning of a new year. And I'm not at all sure about where I am. I feel like I've been sleepwalking for months, even years, and now suddenly I am rethinking everything. Why now? Not quite sure. Its disconcerting to say the least.
When we moved to Florida and I went back to work I feel like I got on a treadmill that keeps picking up speed and I haven't been off of it since. No time to stop and analyze, just quick, get over each hurdle as it comes. And the strange thing is I don't want to think about it. I'm happier being ignorant. Ignorance is bliss right? I don't want to think about whether I love my job, or where I live or if I'm living a passionate life. Because what if I decide I don't or I'm not? That would mean some big decisions and upheaval and I'm not someone who is happy rocking the boat. So I am trying to hang on to the treadmill, at least for now.
Posted by
6:03 PM
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Tour of Our House Part II
Highlighted today will be the master bath, just off of the master bedroom. There is a door off the master bedroom that leads to a hallway. On each side of the short hallway (maybe 6 feet long) are two walk-in closets. That may be one of the reasons that we bought this house. A walk-in closet for each of us??? Unheard of. And very, very, very nice. It would be hard to go back to sharing a closet after this. On to the bathroom itself. . .
Going clockwise around the room we have a small linen closet, with no linens in it, just hair stuff, meds, girl stuff, TP, etc. That kind of stuff takes up a whole lot of room! Then there is the toilet. Mike kind of likes it when the commode has it's own separate space for privacy. I like that idea, too, but it's kind of nice not to be shut up in a little room to do your thing; that can be kind of claustrophobic if you're in there for any length of time, in my opinion. Total run-on sentence. Sorry. Next to the toilet in a large walk-in shower (Mike's favorite part of the house), then there is a large corner tub (girl's favorite part of house) and then on to double sinks. There's a window over the tub, bad for privacy, good for natural light. Two other pet peeves: No drawers in the bathroom and there is no light in the hallway. You have to walk all the way down the hallway to reach the bathroom light. You can stop and turn on the lights in the closets if you really need to see, but those doors are usually shut. So if I was going to build this house again I would add a lightswitch right inside the door.
We have made a few changes since we moved in: we painted it blue (I'm still not entirely sure it's the right shade of blue. . . I think I would like it to be a little lighter, grayer, and slightly greener); I replaced the light fixture over the sinks and the sink faucets; I added a cabinet over the toilet; I changed the towel bar and Toilet paper roll holder and changed the hardware on the cabinets. Small changes, but it feels a lot more spa-like now. You may, of course, have your own opinion!
Posted by
8:07 PM
Friday, January 16, 2009
Getting to Know You 2009
1. What is your occupation right now ?
2. What color are your socks right now?
I'm not wearing socks. I live in Florida. Who needs socks?
3. What are you listening to right now?
Kenzie is being obnoxiously loud while playing with the dog.
4.What was the last thing you ate?
Fuji Chicken Salad from Panera
5.Can you drive a stick shift?
Of course. My first car (Smurfmobile) was a stick shift.
6. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
Mike. He asked if he should pick up dinner on the way home, hence the Panera salad.
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
Very much so.
8.How old are you today? 35
9. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?
College basketball, but I prefer to watch sports in person
10. What is your favorite drink?
Pepsi, on ice or fresh-squeezed lemonade
11. Have you ever dyed your hair
Noooooooo. Never (Okay. that's a lie)
12. Favorite food?
I don't have time to list all my favorites.
13. What is the last movie you watched?
Sex in the City, I think.
14. Favorite day of the year?
I have 52 (Saturday)
15. How do you vent anger?
I tend to lecture and when I'm really mad I clean.
16. What was your favorite toy as a child?
Baby Beans
17. What is your favorite season?
Fall, love crunching around in the fallen leaves
18. Cherries or Blueberries?
Cherries, no question.
19. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back?
If they find the time, but it won't hurt my feelings if nobody responds.
20.Who is the most likely to respond?
Hmmm... Maybe Carolee?
21. Who is least likely to respond?
Anyone who doesn't waste as much time as I do online. : )
22. Living arrangements?
Three bedroom, two-bath, two car garage house with a fenced yard.
23. When was the last time you cried?
Last Wednesday (1/7) at the doctor's office. My neck was killing me and I was so frustrated that I had to wait so long.
24. What is on the floor of your closet?
On the left, drawers of craft supplies; at the back, extra pillows and blankets and my wedding dress (boxed up); to the right shoe cubbies.
25 . Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending to?
N/A I 'm not sending this, so I'm not sure that applies to me.
26. What did you do last night ?
Took a nap after work, then meant to grade papers but ended up watching Grey's Anatomy instead.
27.What are you most afraid about?
I don't really worry about that kind of thing.
28. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers?
Cheese burgers -real cheese, not American- and Bacon, of course!
29. Favorite dog breed?
short-haired, goofy dogs, but I'm partial to black and white dogs
30. Favorite day of the week?
Saturday, I guess.
31. How many states have you lived in?
Four (Washington, Utah, then Washington, then Utah, then Washington, then Texas and now Florida)
32. Diamonds or pearls?
Why choose? Both.
33.Favorite flower?
If somebody gives me flowers I'm not gonna be picky about what type!
But I love the way Lilacs smell and I'm partial to lilies and wildflowers.
Posted by
7:27 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Trip to Epcot
Posted by
8:41 PM
Friday, January 9, 2009
Long Week!
The first week back after the holidays is always hard on us teachers. The kids don't want to come back to school any more than we do! It's tough getting back on schedule. No more sleeping in! This week seemed harder than ever!
One of the problems was that I have had a stick neck since New Year's Eve. I turned my head to cough and tweaked something in my neck. Yes, I had a coughing accident. Normally these types of things clear themselves up, but I'm still dealing with it 9 days later. At any rate, I have discovered that teaching when you can't turn your head is really hard! Plus it's painful. At home I can rest with my head on the back of the couch or lay down in bed, but at school? Yeah, I think the principal would not be too happy if she came in the find me with my head down on my desk.
I made it through Monday okay but I found out the assistant principal wanted a copy of my semester exam on her desk like yesterday. Only one problem. . . I hadn't written mine yet. Oops. The end of the semester isn't until Jan 22 and I had planned on doing it over the holidays, but it didn't happen. So I was up until 11:30 Monday night writing the final. fun. not.
Tuesday I would have loved to stay home but I was scheduled to go around the middle school reading classrooms with the principal, asst principal and the reading coach on a fidelity check. It's one of those little things I do as chair of Literacy council. I didn't want to bail out on the principal and I was really curious to see what everyone was doing in their classrooms, so I took a bunch of Advil and gritted my teeth and got through it. After school the girls went for a check-up at the doctor. We arrived at 3:40 for a 3:45 appointment. We waited until 5:10 to see the doctor. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (me screaming) Part of it was they were busy, part was that our insurance changed Jan. 1. An hour and a half in a pediatrician's waiting room during flu season after a long day at work was the last thing I needed. My head and my neck and my shoulders and my back were killing me. The checkup itself was okay. Becca's ears, sinuses and chest sounded fine. She got the plantar's wart frozen off her toe and we found out that she is in the 90th percentile for height and the 75th for weight. (54 inches, 62 pounds). McKenzie is blind and needs to have her eyes checked and was seriously behind on shots. She got a Chicken Pox booster (Becca got out of that one since she had the Chicken Pox), hepatitis booster, tetanis, meningitis, and gardisil. Poor poor Kenzie, but I'd rather just get it all done and out of the way. we stopped at Wendy's for grub and ice cream for two very well behaved little girls. Except McKenzie is not so little anymore: 5'2" and 93 lbs. Yikes. That's the same size I was when I went to college. Double Yikes. She is in the 95th percentile for height and the 75th percentile for weight. I'm still a little stunned. I'm not ready for her to be all grown up. Soon I will have to look UP at her.
Wednesday morning I decided enough is enough. I need to go the doctor. so I drove into school, called for a sub, left lesson plans, came back home to get the girls, drove to Claudia's to get her girls and dropped everyone off at school at 8:30. Went home, ate breakfast and called my doctor. No appointments. WHHHHHAAT?? I took the day off. . . please?? Pretty please?? Okay. We'll squeeze you in at two (Sometimes it pays to whine!). I spent the day doing laundry and light cleaning and playing on Facebook. I got to the doctor who had no issues with the new insurance, thank God, and saw the doctor at 2:40. Ugh. I REALLY hate waiting around doctor's offices. Like so much that I wanted to cry. Seriously, there were tears in my eyes. I should have brought a book. So Dr Hunter tells me that I will need pain pills and an anti-inflammatory. At this point she hadn't done a physical exam. Um. . . couldn't she have just prescribed that over the phone? She did feel around a little after that and said that it might help to see a chiropractor if the meds didn't help. Couldn't she have just told me that on the phone?? She then gave me a shot in the butt of an anti-inflammatory (that wouldn't have worked on the phone) and sent me home. Sorry no photos of that. The shot helped a bit because I had more movement in my neck a couple of hours later. Claudia dropped the girls off at 5:00, Mike got home at 6:30 and went to get my Rx for me. I took one of each and then stayed up to watch the Gonzaga game. The GU game went into overtime so I was up until 11:30. Yeah! Gonzaga won!! at Tennessee! Hip, hip Hooray! I would have been pissed to stay up that late and have them lose.
Thursday. . .I took all my meds and felt pretty good, a little dizzy maybe in first period, really dizzy and nauseous in second period and just plain loopy in 3rd and 4th. But I was feeling very little pain! The afternoon was better, feeling more lucid and still pain-free. Unfortunately Becca was having a bad time. She was coughing in the morning so I gave her some cough/expectorant stuff, but her teacher called around 11 to ask if she could give her some cough drops. Uh. oh. Mrs. Z called back around 2 to say Becca was still coughing, couldn't stop and was turning red in the face. Poor baby. So Becca came to my room and took some dayQuil (all I had in my purse) drank some water and rested on the beanbags in my room until the end of the day. I have a really fabulous 6th period and planning during 7th period so it didn't really disrupt my schedule at all. We went home right after school taking Claudia's girls with us. Becca was still cough, cough, cough when Claudia came to get her girls so I sent Becca with them so she could use their nebulizer to see if that would calm the cough. It helped a little bit, but it was still bad. Mike gave her some codeine to see if that would help. Kind of worked. But then Becca's temp started to climb and around 10 (not sure because I fell asleep at 9) she threw up.
Friday: Becca and Mike stay home. Kenzie and I go to school. I had to go in to run the Design team meeting, and it was Mike's turn to stay home anyway. This time I took the anti-inflammatory but not the pain killers (valium, vicodin). Not loopy today but OWWWW. Very sore. My students have been very understanding. Good group of kids this year (mostly!). Mike came after school to get Kenzie to take to her art class and I went straight home to watch Becca. Becca doesn't seem too bad. She is not coughing much, hasn't thrown up again and her fever is like 99.5. Hopefully it was just a quick bug and she will be all better tomorrow. I came home, took my pain pills and promptly fell asleep for an hour. Good nurse, aren't I? Becca was busy watching Hannah Montana. I'm not sure she even noticed.
So now you are all caught up on our very dreary, very dull, first week back at school. That is, if you made it all the way to the end of my post, which you probably didn't, cause you are probably asleep. Hey Wake up! We'll try to do something fun this weekend so that I can write about something more exciting than I'm sick. Becca is sick. we went to school. we came home. the end. Tomorrow we plan on cleaning!! That should be much more fun and exciting. Perhaps I will include photos of my vacuum and my mop. Plus I am planning a trip to the grocery store! Woohoo!
Posted by
7:48 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
My Sanctuary
For our friends and family, near and far (mostly far), who haven't gotten a chance to visit us here in sunny Florida, here is a photo tour of our bedroom (not quite as pretty as a designer showroom, is it?).
Posted by
9:56 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Visit with the Mau Family
The Mau's room was on the bottom floor, just a few yards from the swimming pool and the beach. Very convenient with four kids. So after we got there, the kids all played on the beach in the sand until it got dark. This was the view from their room:
Instead of going off-site to eat, we stayed at the Wilderness Lodge. They have several restaurants there; we decided on the fastest option which was a cafeteria type place with indoor and outdoor seating. The food was really quite good. I had a Roast Beef and bleu cheese sandwich with a grilled chicken salad, Kenzie had a turkey and brie sandwich, Mike had pizza and Becca had a burger (I think). Not as expensive as I remember Disney being and the quality was much better than I thought it would be! We ate outside (temps in the high 60s) and were visited by two little bunnies. The kids got a real kick out of that. After dinner we visited some more, took some pictures and tried to see the fireworks from Magic Kingdom (alas! Too many trees in the way).
Posted by
2:35 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The many blessings of the New Year
The new year gives us the opportunity to look forward in our lives, to make better choices, to re-examine and reset our priorities. For me, I'd like to look back at 2008 and remember how blessed I am.
Blessings of 2008:
A fabulously comfy bed

The opportunity to travel

Posted by
12:03 PM